Have you been injured in an accident and think you have whiplash? Northern Edge Chiropractic is top rated when it comes to a whiplash treatment chiropractor.

Below are some symptoms you may see with the result of whiplash. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms after an accident, we recommend you coming into Northern Edge and getting proper whiplash treatment. Our chiropractors will work closely with you to ensure you get the proper treatment you deserve. If you have been hurt in an accident insurance will cover all of your medical expenses.

Symptoms of Whiplash

  • Decreased range of motion in the neck

  • Pain & tightness in the neck

  • Pain when moving

  • Headaches at base of skull

  • Concussions

  • Tenderness

whiplash treatment plymouth mn

** Minnesota is a No Fault state which refers to a 1975 statute that states under Minnesota law you are required to carry auto-insurance for your vehicles. Built into that auto insurance plan is something called “Personal Injury Protection” or (PIP). Personal injury protection is available for anyone who has auto insurance, and is used to protect you when you are involved in a car accident. Personal injury protection covers 100% of the health costs that you may accrue for receiving treatment to injuries sustained in a car accident, up to $20,000.00 in medical bills. There is no penalty for using personal injury protection and this will not raise your premium. For more questions please call (763) 316-5252.**


Here at Northern Edge Chiropractic, we are committed to providing personalized chiropractic treatment plans to address your individual unique needs.