Fill This Form Out To Schedule Your First Visit For Only $45
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*Your first visit includes a chiropractic consultation, examination & X-Rays for only $45. Treatments may not be performed on the first visit. By filling out this form you agree that you understand that one of more services provided have been or will be free of charge. Any subsequent services provided will be provided at the fees that have been or will be explained to you.*
Only $45 For First Visit! Includes Consultation, Examination & X-rays. Start Your Treatment Today.

Northern Edge Chiropractic is an award winning chiropractic clinic, servicing the Plymouth, Maple Grove, Brooklyn Park and New Hope Cities. Open Monday-Thursday until 6:00PM and 1:00 on Friday.
We specialize in treating migraines, headaches, neck pain, back pain, low back pain, sciatica, whiplash and pregnancy pain. Our specialized chiropractic treatments and manipulative therapies get great results that will have you feeling great immediately. Bring yourself to the “edge” and get started on your way to wellness!
*First visit includes a chiropractic consultation, examination & x-rays for only $45.
Treatments may not be performed on the first visit. By filling out this form you agree that you understand that one of more services provided have been or will be free of charge. Any subsequent services provided will be provided at the fees that have been or will be explained to you.*
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