Fill This Form Out To Schedule Your First Visit For Only $45
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*Your first visit includes a chiropractic consultation, examination & X-Rays for only $45. Treatments may not be performed on the first visit. By filling out this form you agree that you understand that one of more services provided have been or will be free of charge. Any subsequent services provided will be provided at the fees that have been or will be explained to you.*
First Visit Includes Consultation, Exam & X-rays
Northern Edge Chiropractic is one of the best car accident chiropractic clinics serving the Plymouth, Maple Grove and Brooklyn Park regions of Minneapolis. We have hundreds of success stories from people who have made a full recovery after suffering injuries from a car accident. Don’t let pain from a car accident dictate your life, our treatments work, all you have to do is fill out the form above to start your recovery process.
Whiplash is a serious injury, forceful movements of the head and neck during an accident can cause micro tears and damage to the muscles, ligaments and joints in our spine. More serious injuries could involve damage to the vertebral disc, these injuries usually cause radiating pain, numbness and even loss of strength. It is very common for people to feel pain develop two weeks to a month after the car accident occurred.
Even if you do not have pain immediately following the car accident, it is still extremely important to schedule an exam and consultation to check for underlying damage that could affect you later in life.
The doctors at Northern Edge Chiropractic will use a variety of treatment techniques and therapies to make sure you have a smooth and pain free recovery. Our treatment protocol consists of regular chiropractic adjustments, manual muscle relief, physio-therapies and exercise rehab. By following through with treatment we can completely reverse any whiplash damage from the car accident. Let us take care of your pain while you live the life you deserve.
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