One of the conditions that we treat here at Northern Edge Chiropractic is headaches. Headaches are defined by the World Health Organization as one of the most common disorders of the nervous system. It is estimated that 15% of the American population suffers from chronic headaches.
Headaches are commonly referred to migraines, but as you may know already there are many different classifications for headaches, each with very different symptoms. The team at Northern Edge Chiropractic is here to give you a few signs and symptoms of each type of headache, along with a few chiropractic tips.
Symptoms of Headaches
Types of Headaches Chiropractors Can Help Treat
Below are some of the facts that are associated with each type of headache. If you are or have been experiencing headaches and are in need of a Chiropractor for headaches then we encourage you to contact us today so we can start treating you correctly.
The cause of Migraines is unknown, but researchers believe it could have something to due with the neurovascular theory. The neurovascular theory is the idea that various triggers such as smoking, caffeine, or even chocolate can cause abnormal brain activity. When the body is subjected to adverse stimuli, it changes the chemicals that are being sent between nerves. The chemicals actually cause the blood vessels expand which could explain the classic pounding pain patients experience in the forehead. There are two types of migraines, called classic and common. The only difference is that classic migraines typically present with the patient experiencing some flashing or floaters in their vision called aura’s, where as common migraines do not.
Intense throbbing pain over temples, sensitivity to light, noise, or odors, aura’s, nausea, and vomiting.
Regular chiropractic adjustments have been shown to be a good alternative medicine choice for patients with chronic migraines. Remember its the imbalance in nerves that cause the blood vessels dilate and cause pain. If you have had migraines in the past try to stay away from smoking, chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, nitrites (preservative in hot dogs and deli meats), and artificial sweeteners. If you currently have a migraine drink plenty of water, and lay down in a cool dark room. If you can, fall asleep because migraines typically go away within 4-5 hours, but can in some extreme cases last up to 3 days long. The team at Northern Edge Chiropractic in Plymouth, MN can help.
Tension type headaches are some of the most common headaches among adults and adolescents. It is estimated that 50% of the population suffers from the occasional tension type headache. They are commonly referred to as stress headaches, and tend to affect people who are constantly stressed.
Mild to moderate band like pain wrapping around from the back to the forehead. These headaches last anywhere from 30 minutes to 24 hrs, and typically occur during the middle of the day.
Adequate rest is very important in regulating cortisol, which is a hormone in the body directly affected by stress. By getting enough sleep you will start to have regular cortisol cycles which should cut down on tension headaches. Make sure to eat 3 balanced meals, as hunger and fatigue can be triggers for tension headaches. Lastly poor posture can cause tension headaches, regular adjustments from a chiropractor will not only help with poor posture, but will also reduce your overall stress levels. The team at Northern Edge Chiropractic in Plymouth, MN can help.
A cervicogenic headache is a headache caused by irritation or a imbalance of the upper cervical vertebrae. Irritation to the trigeminal nerve causes the pain to start in the neck an move to the forehead. It is estimated that 20% of the population is effected by cervicogenic headaches.
The pain usually starts as a dull neck ache and gradually progress to moderate pain that works its way over the top of the head and localizes on only one side of the forehead. These types of headaches are exacerbated by head and neck movements, poor posture, looking down at a computer all day, or reading. Cervicogenic headaches can last anywhere from 1 hour to multiple days.
Try to take breaks from working, stand up an stretch your arms and neck. This will keep the muscles in your neck loose, and reduce the possibility of irritation to the cervical joints. Applying ice to the neck after a long day at work should help reduce inflammation. Make sure to get regular adjustments from your chiropractor, which should greatly reduce the severity, and amount of cervicogenic headaches. The team at Northern Edge Chiropractic in Plymouth, MN can help.