If you are experiencing Facet Syndrome, our Chiropractors can help. Facet joints are found on every vertebrae in the spine, and their primary function is to allow the body to move but also to prevent excessive motion and over twisting of the spine. These “small faces” on each vertebrae allow us to safely handle all the activities of daily living.

If you do have joint irritation the best thing to do is get adjusted because if left alone it could eventually lead to some degeneration of the spine and vertebrae.

Symptoms of Facet Syndrome

  • Dull or sharp pain in the shoulder

  • Dull or sharp pain in the arms & legs

  • Dull or sharp pain in the butt

  • Weakness in muscles

  • Tingling in muscles

  • Muscle numbness

facet syndrome treatment plymouth mn

Tips To Help With Facet Syndrome

Regular exercise will help keep the joints in the spine mobile, and eating a balanced diet with lots of antioxidants will help to reduce inflammation. The most important thing you can do to prevent or manage facet syndrome is to see your chiropractor regularly and get adjusted. The adjustment itself helps to gap the facet joints, and put the vertebrae back into a position where they can glide freely over one another.

The adjustment also allows the vertebrae to release inflammation, and provides the joints with vital nutrients. The team at Northern Edge Chiropractic LLC in Plymouth, MN has great success treating facet syndrome.


Here at Northern Edge Chiropractic, we are committed to providing personalized chiropractic treatment plans to address your individual unique needs.